God Suspended the Moral Law for this Divorcee

Look at it yourself. This woman first talks about how horribly unhappy her marriage is. No physical abuse, no adultery – but look, she was REALLY, really unhappy! So she looked to God for advice:

I studied the passages over and over again. I prayed and prayed. I prayed for guidance and not deliverance…Studying the word of God strengthens you. It strengthened me to my decision – deliverance and freedom.

So you see, she didn’t just get divorce all willy-nilly. God was okay with it! God STRENGTHENED her decision! But she’s still not sure. So she talks to her pastor:

[My Pastor] could not recommend divorce to anyone. But he did not say no. I would not have gone through with my decisions  if he had told me not to file for divorce…

So you see, her Pastor doesn’t condemn her. God must be on her side!

So she decides the divorce, and in case she wasn’t sure, God gives her a message that it was the right thing to do. From a preacher:

An evangelist came to Church soon after I decided to divorce. He went on to describe how psychological rape can occur within relationships…there I stood dumbfounded. God was talking to me…near the end of the service the evangelist was even led to pray for divorce, not reconciliation. All along the way God laid out morsels for me to feed on until I was ready for what He wanted me to do.

So let’s get this straight: This woman tested the spirits. She prayed, “Over and over”, she consulted trusted Christian leaders, and she understood the Spirits were from the Lord. Thus, the moral law was suspended, and divorce is a-okay.

All right, let’s get it straight now: That’s ridiculous. Whatever you think, God isn’t okay with divorce because you’re unhaaaaaapy. That’s not how it works. Divorce is evil and God hates it, period.

But baby killing, that’s a different matter:

If after a period of prayer, fasting, consultation with trusted Christian leaders, and testing the spirits I understood the spirits were those of the Lord I would obey [and kill infants]. Depending on the ‘level of wrongness’ (for lack of a better term springing to mind), this period would be longer and more intense. I might also try to bargain with God as per Abraham.

Spot the problem here.

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8 Responses to God Suspended the Moral Law for this Divorcee

  1. Pingback: A Quick Response | Free Northerner

  2. Honestly, part of why things like this happen is because divorce is now “allowed” and not frowned on by society. It’s like opening the floodgates and expecting the water to remain where it is. Only the people who are willing to go against the flow are still treading water.
    It’s just sad how many people fool themselves into thinking that God is speaking to them when they really are just following their own desires (and I know that I’m probably doing it too… which is the scary part.)

  3. infowarrior1 says:

    “If after a period of prayer, fasting, consultation with trusted Christian leaders, and testing the spirits I understood the spirits were those of the Lord I would obey [and kill infants].”‘

    Wait a minute. There is not one mention of the word of God in this. I bet that this statement is her hamster talking. For the holy spirit will always speak in accordance with the word.

  4. Paul Murray says:

    Go to any church. It will be 2/3rs full of women who have been divorced at least once, and every single one of them will tell you that Jesus said it was ok in her particular, specific case.

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